Waging War

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (ESV)

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…


You ever wake up from a dream and still feel the emotions from it? Man, I did today and it made me rage to the point of tears. I stalked around the house ticked off while I made coffee and fed the cats and finally, through a fleeting thought- thank you God- remembered it’s not my battle. Prayer dissipated the emotions, but before I prayed, my flesh went through a few scenarios of how I’d handle it. Then my friend shared a post she’d read on fb and it all came to a crashing halt. I will get to that, but first let me share a scenario or two with you- read this like it is spoken TO the person in my dreams.

I’d get in my car and drive 5 or 6 hours to pick up your kids and bring them, unannounced, to see you. I’d make you put that stupid needle in your arm in front of them so they would know first hand why you aren’t with them anymore. What?  You think that’s cruel?  So what!  What you’re doing is more cruel because you will leave everyone else to explain to them where you went and why you didn’t love them enough to stop.  And yeah, I do know what I’m talking about.  Just ask my kids, especially my eldest.  That’s right.  The one that I didn’t raise.

Another scene that passed through my mind was of me driving you 8 or 9 hours away and daring you to leave after I forced you to check into a Teen Challenge program that can help you all the way down to your soul, far away from anyone that can help you continue to live in the hell of your life. Your children get to be with you there because you need to learn that they are gifts and that God is the gift giver and that it’s time to be a mother.

But I already know that neither scenario would work without you surrendering control. Neither would work because it would be me wanting you to live, not you.  Even though you’re out of control, you’re the only one that controls how this goes. Ironic, isn’t it?


So I prayed. I prayed for a calmed spirit and acceptance of the fact that I’m not the one who has to manage you. I prayed for your protection and warring angels to guard you from the enemy. I prayed for a speaker of Truth to be put in your path that you can’t help but hear. I prayed protection over your babies, that they would see God’s hand in your life before you leave them for good by way of the needle. I prayed God would give you courage to stand up to the enemy and for your full knowledge of your worth to Him.

Then I logged into Facebook and saw my friend’s post.  She shared a Truth so powerful, I spent the next 20 minutes or so thanking God for who I am in Him and for the knowledge that YOU are just as fearlessly and wonderfully made.  That YOU ( not just the person in my dream, but every single person reading this) too are blessed and highly favored, even if you have no clue of that knowledge.  Here’s part of that post- read it out loud, so your brain can hear it loud and clear:

The woman warrior for Christ knows her value. Make no mistake—she is not arrogant. She does not walk in self-confidence, but in complete confidence in God. She knows that no person, group or adversary determines her value. God never polled the masses before assigning her worth. He never thumbed through the pages of a magazine or looked at the big screen before deciding if she measured up. He never asked her family, her friends, or her mate for their input. He never even asked her! He DEMONSTRATED her worth to Him when He left His heavenly home, laid His life upon the cross, and spoke, “It is finished.” Her Lord paid too high of a price for her to let anyone or anything whisper “worthless” in her ear. She will listen to ONE voice. She is HIS DAUGHTER. She is HIS SERVANT. She is HIS SOLDIER. Let her walk, rest, and abide in HIM.

YOU.  That’s about YOU!  When you accepted Christ, you were made NEW.  You were forgiven, your debt was paid in full.  What does that even look like, you ask? It looks like this: If I were to die and stand before God today, I could ask Him, “Hey, do you know ____ (fill in your name here)?”  You know what He’d say?  He’d say, “Well, yeah!  She’s my daughter.”  Or “Uh, yeah, like, that’s my daughter.  Of course I know her!  That’s my girl!”  And feel free to change the she’s to he’s if you’re a man reading this because God would say, “Oh, wow, yeah, that’s my son! Of course I know him!”  He would.  He already has!

He knows your name because you were chosen before you were even born, by Him, and for His plan and nothing, No Thing, can stop what God has ordained.  You are a daughter of the King!  You are a son of the King! You are worth His time and His love, and He believes you have what it takes to get through this day because He is with you! He never promised that there would be no weapons formed against you, He just promised that they wouldn’t prosper.  If you choose Him, the enemy has to flee from you.  But you have to choose. That’s all you need to do sometimes.  Just one minute at a time.  And minutes will add up to just one day at a time.  Come on, you got this.

Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


Peace y’all.


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